Diaper Raw Materials Suppliers
Rolo jumbo de celulose fluff de madeira com SAP para produção de absorventes higiênicos e fraldas
  • 2023-05-30

Na produção de pensos higiénicos e fraldas, a escolha dos materiais desempenha um papel crucial para garantir o desempenho, conforto e absorção ideais. Um desses materiais que ganhou popularidade significativa é o rolo jumbo de celulose fluff de madeira com SAP (polímero superabsorvente). Vamos explorar por que essa combinação é preferida pelos fabricantes e os benefícios que ela oferece.

Rolo jumbo de celulose fluff de madeira com SAP para produção de absorventes higiênicos e fraldas

A celulose fluff de madeira, derivada de fibras de madeira de origem sustentável, serve como o principal componente de produtos higiênicos absorventes. Suas propriedades únicas o tornam uma excelente escolha para absorventes higiênicos e fraldas. Quando combinado com SAP, a absorção e a capacidade de retenção são ainda mais aprimoradas, proporcionando proteção superior contra vazamentos e garantindo uma experiência seca e confortável.

Here are the key advantages of using wood fluff pulp jumbo roll with SAP:

  1. Exceptional Absorbency: Wood fluff pulp has a high liquid absorption rate, efficiently capturing and locking away moisture. The addition of SAP increases the absorbency level, allowing for extended usage without compromising comfort.

  2. Soft and Gentle: Wood fluff pulp is known for its softness and gentle touch, making it suitable for delicate skin. The smooth fibers minimize irritation and promote a soothing sensation, ensuring the well-being of the users.

  3. Reliable Leakage Protection: The combination of wood fluff pulp and SAP creates a powerful barrier against leaks. The SAP absorbs liquid quickly and transforms it into a gel-like substance, preventing any backflow or leakage, even under heavy usage.

  4. Optimal Distribution: Wood fluff pulp jumbo rolls with SAP facilitate even distribution of moisture throughout the product, enhancing overall performance and minimizing the risk of leakage.

  5. Eco-Friendly Choice: Wood fluff pulp is sourced from sustainable forestry practices, making it an environmentally friendly option. Its biodegradable nature contributes to reducing the environmental impact of disposable hygiene products.

The wood fluff pulp jumbo roll with SAP is widely used in the production of sanitary napkins and diapers due to its superior performance and reliability. Manufacturers can customize the product according to their specific requirements, ensuring the production of high-quality and efficient absorbent hygiene products.

When selecting a supplier for wood fluff pulp jumbo roll with SAP, consider partnering with a reputable and experienced company. Look for suppliers that prioritize quality, consistency, and sustainability.

In conclusion, the combination of wood fluff pulp jumbo roll with SAP offers numerous benefits for sanitary napkin and diaper production. Its exceptional absorbency, softness, leakage protection, and eco-friendly nature make it an ideal choice for ensuring the comfort and well-being of users. Choose this reliable material for your hygiene product manufacturing needs and experience the difference in performance and customer satisfaction.

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